First Baptist Church Concord hosted the annual awards banquet for the Concord Spiders football team on December 19.
Award winners are pictured below:
Robert C. Bailey Award - Defensive Linemen Daeshon Glanton, Sam Harrington, Harrison Grant, Tyrel Weatherspoon, presented by Head Coach Darren Shepherd |
Earl Walters Leadership Award - Ayden Semlitz, presented by Head Coach Darren Shepherd |
Defensive Most Improved - Kaleb Brooks, Pat Fils-Ame, presented by Head Coach Darren Shepherd |
Offensive Most Improved - Andrew Davis Jr., Caleb Wilson. Presented by Coach Cam White. |
Newcomer of the Year - Carter Starnes. Presented by Coach Brad Faw |
Jeffrey "Bobo" Smith Offensive Line Award - Alex Williams. Presented by Coaches Jason Porter and Nate Santiago. |
Defensive Line Award - Harrison Grant. Presented by Coach Jason Porter. |
Offensive MVP - Tim Anderson. Presented by Coach Nate Santiago. |
Defensive MVP - Ty Rushmeyer. Presented by Coach D.A. Alexander. |
E.Z. Smith Award - Alex Petroff. Presented by Coach E.Z. Smith. |
Team M.V.P - Alex Petroff. Presented by Head Coach Darren Shepherd |